Google Pixel 9 series is just a few days away from launch on August 14 in India. This year, Google is expected to launch four new models under the series which will also include Pixel 9 Pro Fold. While Google is expected to announce several upgrades, AI features, and new designs to the Pixel 9 series, it is also expected to increase the prices of the smartphones. While, the foldable smartphone price is expected to remain similar to Pixel Fold, the Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, and Pixel 9 Pro XL prices are expected to be hiked. Know the reason behind the big change.
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Why Pixel 9 series is expected to cost more?
Over the years, Google has gradually increased the prices of Pixel smartphones by some smaller to greater margin each year. Similar to last year, the tech giant is again expected to increase the prices for the upcoming Pixel 9 series. Based on leaks and reports, the prices for Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, and Pixel 9 Pro XL are likely to be increased by $100. Therefore, the smartphone may be priced at $799, $1000 and $1100 respectively. However, the Pixel 9 Pro Fold is expected to be priced at $1799 which is same as the last year’s Pixel Fold.
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mobile to buy?
Also read: Pixel 9 Pro Fold promo images leaked ahead of August 13 launch
But, why Google is planning for a price hike? Well, the company is expected to bring some major upgrades to the Pixel 9 series hardware with the new in-house Tensor G4 chipset. The chipset will enable the smartphone to carry out complex tasks and AI processing for the camera, battery, and other crucial features. This year, the Pixel 9 may get 12GB RAM and the Pro models are expected to get 16GB RAM. It is also speculated that the smartphones may feature satellite connectivity with improved modem. Additionally, the cameras of the upcoming Pixel 9 series are model are expected to get an upgrade in comparison to last year’s Pixel 8 series.
Also read: Pixel 9 series likely to miss out on Android 15 during launch, here’s why Google may be forced to use Android 14
Furthermore, based on Google’s shared teaser video and leak moniker images, the design of the Pixel 9 series has also been redesigned. This year, we are getting a new camera module, a matte-finish back panel, and new colour variants. Lastly, the bigger Google offering for the Pixel 9 series would be the 7 years of software updates.
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